CONTACT US: +39 345.2355013
When you lose a loved one, you don’t feel like having to take care of all bureaucratic burdens that needed to be fulfilled
That’s why it is fundamental to choose the right Parlour to entrust with the funeral service who is also capable to follow all your need.
Some advices
It is necessary to call 118 . They will intervene with the emergency doctor to ascertain the death. Soon after call our green number 800 833 233 for Trieste district, 800 860 020 for Gorizia district or just 345-2355013 requiring our intervention to collect the corpse and move it to the morgue.
It’s then necessary to see straight after the family doctor who will compile the ISTAT Form which must be handed over to our office to enable us to organize the Funeral as quickly as possible.
It is necessary to call 118 . They will intervene with the emergency doctor to ascertain the death. In base alla L.R.12/2011 la scelta dell’impresa funebre è a carico del famigliare e non delle strutture sanitarie e socio-assistenziali. E’ necessario pertanto che diate il nostro nominativo alla struttura che provvederà a contattarci a tempo debito per il trasporto della persona presso l’obitorio.
It’s then necessary to see straight after the family doctor who will compile the ISTAT Form which must be handed over to our office to enable us to organize the Funeral as quickly as possible.
The hospital will provide to forward all documentation for the Funeral Parlour.
The ISTAT Form properly compiled (for deaths other than hospitals)
Cloths to dress the loved one for the funeral
Identity Card and Social Security Card (Codice Fiscale) of the deceased
Identity Card and Social Security Card (Codice Fiscale) of the next of kin and/or the same of the person who substitute the next of kin
In case of family grave, give all possible details
The cancellation from the Registry Office will happen automatically.
By Stability law the institutions cannot require and/or utilize these certificates.
Death Certificates can be required to the relatives only by Banks and/or Italian Post Offices for the closing of Bank/Post Accounts.
These Certificates can be obtained by the relatives, at any Civic Centre or directly at the Registry Office approximately four or five days after the decease.
For the purposes of tax return, it is possible to deduct 19% from the cost of the funeral service up to € 1550,00. Such deductions can be submitted only by the closest relative (ie: spouse, sons, parents, brothers, in laws). Nel caso in cui, la spesa sia stata sostenuta da più contribuenti, la detrazione totale va suddivisa per quanti hanno contribuito alla spesa per il funerale, o dei funerali qualora vi sia stato più di un decesso nell’arco dello stesso anno.
In questa ipotesi, ai fini di detrazionedelle spese funebri, se la fattura emessa risulta intestata a più soggetti e ad ognuno di essi viene rilasciata la fattura in originale.
La spesa può essere sostenuta anche da una sola persona che ha anticipato il totale complessivo, ma che al pagamento hanno contribuito altre persone. In questo caso, occorre che l’intestatario riportarti sulla fattura un’annotazione firmata, che certifichi che l’importo fatturato è stato suddiviso tra più soggetti (indicando cognome, nome e codice fiscale di chi ha contribuito alla spesa).
Così facendo anche gli altri soggetti partecipanti alla spesa potranno godere della detrazione pro-quota.
Release of ashes in nature
Thanks to our regional lows n. 12 of October 21, 2011 and n. 22 of June 9, 2017 it is possible to dispose the ashes also outside the cemeterial areas, or rather:
In woods and meadow at a minimum distance of 200 meters away from homes or in private area prior to the written permission of the owner (download form);
In lakes at a minimum distance of 100 meters from the lake shore or in free routs of vessels and manufactures in rivers;
in the sea half mile (over 500 meters) from the coast;
It is forbidden the dispersion of the ashes in city centers, in air or in natural reserves.
Ashes must be dispersed from the person in charge entitled by the deceased in life. In absence of indication, it provides a familiar or other person identified by the art.
74, 75, 76, 77 of the Civil Code.
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